Object Definitions


idstringThe template ID.
namestringThe template name.
lastRunTimelongThe last time the template ran (Unix Time in milliseconds). A value of null means the template has never been run.
modelIdstringID of the model associated with the template.
modelNamestringName of the model associated with the template.


idstringThe template ID.
namestringThe template name.
lastRunTimelongThe last time the template ran (Unix Time in milliseconds). A value of null means the template has never been run.
modelIdstringID of the model associated with the template.
modelNamestringName of the model associated with the template.
stepsETLStep []List of template steps


stepNamestringThe name of the step.
dataTypestringThe type of data being processed.
inputIdstringThe input ID to use when uploading data to the job.


idstringThe job ID.
namestringThe job name.
statusETLJobStatusThe current status of the job.
modelIdstringID of the model associated with the job.
modelNamestringName of the model associated with the job.
createdDatelongWhen the job was created (Unix Time in milliseconds).
updatedDatelongWhen the job was last updated (Unix Time in milliseconds). A value of null means the job has never been updated.
userNamestringName of the user who created the job.


"EDITING"The ETL job properties are being updated. For example, data is being added to the job ETL steps.
"NOT_STARTED"ETL job is ready to run.
"SUBMITTED"ETL job is ready to run.
"RUNNING"ETL job is running.
"COMPLETED"ETL job completed successfully.
"ERROR"ETL job failed.
"CANCELLED"ETL job was cancelled.
"WAITING"ETL job is waiting to be run.
"QUEUED"ETL job is waiting for another job to complete.
"EXPIRED"ETL job can no longer be run. It was in "EDITING" state for too long.