
The Import API provides a REST interface to import data into your data model and automate your ETL processes. Once you have created an ETL template, the Import API provides a suite of automation capabilities such as running a job and checking a job’s status.

Overview of capabilities

The following endpoints can be used to load data into your data model:

  • Start With Data
  • Start With File

The following endpoints can be used to manage your ETL jobs:

  • Submit Job
  • Cancel Job
  • Get Job
  • Get Job Status
  • Create Job

The following endpoints can be used to view your existing templates:

  • List Templates
  • Get Template

The following endpoints can be used to load data to specific steps of a template:

  • Load File to Specific Step
  • Load JSON to Specific Step

Data limits

The following table describes the data limitations of the Import API:

EndpointData limitations
Start With FileNo limitation on file size.
Start With Data25MB is the maximum JSON size that the endpoint supports.